Я, конечно,
Rome is burning боялась читать, я про детей вообще читать боюсь...
Только писать не боюсь.
Но я все-таки повелась на имя, не могла не повестись. И знаете чего? Пока что оно довольно милое )
Two months. My forehead. Your eyes. Your delicious cheekbones. Nose hard to say yet, but I'm hoping for mine, no offence. My mouth. Your chin, jaws will be mixed, as far as I can tell. I'm predicting black hair, of course – for now baby fair. Nero.
Re: Description
Father's features are almost always clearly dominant in the firstborn.
Nero is a poor choice of name. The sound of pronunciation is pleasing, but the historical implications are inept.
He looks at the carrier again, and she smiles when his eyes meet hers. She shrugs lightly with a joking perplex.
"He wouldn't fit in the safe," she explains with a quirk of the corners of her mouth...
"Fine," he hears himself say, almost unexpectedly, but at the same time not surprisingly at all. "A month. Or I'll be putting him in a safe."
There is a baby.
There is a baby in the living room. It's laying in a quality looking carrier on the table, near the closed laptop, and Sherlock is dressed in his robe, slowly pacing around the room, playing the violin with an indifferent expression on his face.
"Right…" he looks back to the baby. "You know, he's rather cute," he remarks with a small smile. "A lot like you, too."
This time Sherlock looks at him with eyes narrowed in incredulity.
"You think I'm cute?" he asks in a dangerous voice.
"What? No!" John has no idea how Sherlock managed to get this conclusion. "Where did you get that?"
"You said he's cute and that he's a lot like me."
"Yes. Apart from being cute, he's also a lot like you. I'd sooner call Irene Adler cute than you, and that would be a stretch. She's not the cute kind."
"So if neither me nor her are cute, how can our child be cute?"
"Sherlock," he speaks finally. "What is this?"
Sherlock only smirks and changes the tune of his violin to a Christmas carol What Child Is This. Mycroft scowls, shaking his head with disapproval.
"Very clever joke. So, was this an immaculate conception as well?" he teases Sherlock, and the detective flinches, as he did at Buckingham Palace, but regains his composure as he puts the violin away.
"No."А вот то, что я думаю, как эту двойную игру слов с именем перевести - это очень-очень плохо.
Закрой глаза и не думай о белой обезьяне.Ушла читать дальше...
УПД. это очень смешной текст. очень-очень. я тут уже неприлично хрюкаю... immaculate conception
УПД2. Цитаты больше не буду выписывать. Во-первых, мне надоело. во-вторых, чтобы не спойлерить. В-третьих, там надо цитировать каждое второе предложение. "Sherlock is off somewhere, probably hiding from females..."
Все, все, больше точно не буду )))
УПД3. Дочитала.
Тема ебли раскрыта. Речь Шерлока на свадьбе Джона была прекрасна.
Секс Шерлока на свадьбе Джона тоже ничего.Автор жжот и пепелит, местами совершенно феерически.
Очень милый и смешной текст. Очень вхарактерные персонажи. Strongly recommended.
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